What kind of owner are you? This convenient diagram is a great way to visualize which type of owner you are, and which exit routes might be available given your situation. The combination of Financial Readiness and Mental Readiness is critical to your exit objectives. Obviously, if you have high financial readiness apart from your company, there are more options available than for owners with low financial readiness who need to get out immediately. Not sure where you fit? Take our Business Exit Readiness Index Survey to find out.

Source: Pinnacle Solutions, Inc. © 2017. Separate from the Exit plan and an advisors’ role as financial planner, an advisor may recommend the purchase of specific investment or insurance products or accounts. These product recommendations are not part of the exit plan and clients are under no obligation to follow them. Financial Advisors do not provide specific tax/legal advice. This information should not be considered as specific tax/legal advice. You should consult your tax/legal advisor regarding your own specific tax/legal situation.